Mario’s Tales from the Street 

The streets always have some great lessons to teach any aspiring or any established acts that care to continue growing. Never mind how good you are, the number one thing that can make your hat fat (or a decent payment)  is your finale.

A common mistake that magicians make is that we forget that the public doesn’t care so much for dexterity as they do to being entertained.

So think about your finale – look for a cliff hanger effect that will make your audience hang on to every action, word or both. If you display just dexterity in your finale you may make a pleasant hat but if you display danger, drama or suspense and dexterity you will make greater hats.


The School of Busking             15 – 17 May 2015           Cardiff          UK 

A 3-day course on Street Theatre and Busking

The School is filling up fast!  We already have an international array of students booked on – we have students coming from the US, Spain and from all over the UK too!

The class is limited to just three places left.
Book online here!

Showmanship Master Class       24 – 26 of July 2015          Cardiff           UK

A three-day course


Mario Morris and Jay Scott Berry 

The venue for this  3-day course with aspects of the training happening in a full working theater on location here in Cardiff.

The course is ideal for Magicians, Circus Performers, Comedians, Dancers and storytellers

Teaching, training and workshops on the finer art of Showmanship
Building on our previous success of our Masterclass of Showmanship – The School of Busking is pleased to announce that   Jay Scot Berry – International Master Magician – will be our guest teacher of the course.

The give good quality to our student places are limited.  Click here to book on line now. 


The School of Busking

Road Show the USA


Veronica and I are bringing our theater show and street performances and lecture on a tour of the USA.


In addition to meeting up, interviewing and filming street performers and their shows and of course TIPPING their hats across the breadth and width of the USA

We will be meeting and performing alongside an incredible array of international celebrities and stars of Magic.

The Master of Magic himself – Jeff McBride, multi-award winning Master Magicians – Wayne Houchin, Christopher Hart, Ariann Black, Jay Scott Berry, David London and the most successful juggler in Las Vegas History – Michael Goudeau! Just to name a few.

From mid-August to end of October 2015 we are bringing our street performances, theater show and lectures from the East Coast to the West Coast of America!


Here is how you can GET INVOLVED in the FILM!

The School of Busking Road  Documentary Film
You can sponsor us independently or through our Kickstarter Project that will be going live soon.

Come to our theaters and the streets SHOWS and Lecture tour, (Look out for our show dates)

Sign up for the Focus on Street Magic in Las Vegas that we are hosting for the sixth year with Jeff McBride – 9 to 11 of Oct.

Achieve this and the rest of your show will follow, I have worked with countless of performers over the years and this is the number one area that we focus on – the finale.
