The Story of Stuff

Life lessons
Life on the road isn’t all about sunsets, campfires and different locations – although it is a lot about that – it also has lots of lessons on the way.
Since moving out of our rented 3 bed accommodation last year to return to living our nomadic lifestyle that we had when we first got together – we have moved our stuff from that house, to a large studio, to a small studio to now renting a 50 square foot storage space!
Moving out the house last June we got rid of a lot of stuff! We supplied the local charity shops with LOTS of things, sold other items, recycle other stuff and evenutally had a big car boot sale to get rid of the rest. This process took about 6 weeks and in the begining it was quite painful to let go of items – it became a bit easier as time went on.
We had a fantastic summer in front us as we were booked to perform our magic shows at great street performing festivals and outdoor events in Europe and up and down the country. Life was good!
Come June, we moved the stuff we wanted to keep (or thought we wanted to keep) into a large studio that we had in Cardiff and got ready for the season ahead!

Getting rid of stuff
Then October came and we got news that we had to move out of the studios. We spent more time again sifting through our stuff and gave more away, sold some more and had another big car boot sale.
We found a quirky space above a carpenter in a lovely part of Cardiff – and moved what was left of our stuff up space saving stairs, got very excited about the space and felt part of an artsy community and started to make plans that we could use the space for coaching and mentoring, coaching based readings and so much more…. but where oh where to put all our ‘stuff’…. ah we can also rent the little room across the hall. 4 weeks later, we found out that the buildings were getting sold some time in the next 6 months- so don’t get too comfortable. OK.
Then 7 weeks Christmas work came in, we visited the studio to pick up ‘stuff’ we needed and we didn’t go back until January. Then we went to Spain for a month, revisited the studio to get ready for Blackpool Magic Convention, then spent 2 weeks in Scotland, 10 days in Glastonbury and then returned to the studio that had become just a messy storage space for our stuff!
Realising what we actually need
We have finally realised we don’t need a studio or all the ‘stuff’ that fills it! It has taken us just 5 days to decide what to keep and what to get rid. And we are getting rid of and recycling a lot! Nowadays to me, ‘stuff’ is not that important and so much easier to get rid of. What a good feeling!

Performers, coaches and adventurers!
As performers and coaches, we can do our magic shows were ever are, go to street performing festvials across Europe and work with coaching clients remotely or in person. We can set up stands in Mind Body Spirit events with our jewellery, books and coaching readings, we are booked up and down the country in beautiful locations to perform our magic and storytelling at outdoor weekend events, creating magical moments where ever are. We have everything we need with us to live this life. And when we don’t – we can pop down to our little organised storage space and pick up what we need.
Freedom lifestyle

Waking up, on the edge of the world here in South Wales, with the sun shining and bouncing off the sea, doing yoga in the sea breeze and walking along the Coastal trail – I realise the most important thing to me is freedom, happiness, walking in nature and living my life to the full so I can, through my work create ripples of freedom and happiness to others.
What fills you with happiness and what are you doing that fulfiles your life?