All things good about Nettles


I love nettles!

I love everything about them.  They remind me of childhood times and the very first herbal remedy I learned was that Dock leaves take away the sting of nettles! That was and still is like magic to me!

Nettles – at least here in the UK grow abundantly and freely almost everywhere.

There are so many good things that we can do with them.

Nettle Tea

Pick new freshly grown nettles – they start appearing from Springtime through to September. When they are abundant, have fresh nettle tea – just remember to use gloves when picking them! Remember to dry some for when they are not in season. To dry them, pick them fresh from the stem, ideally hang them up somewhere dry, leave for a couple of weeks, pick off the leaves and store in a dry cool place for the winter months. 

Simply pick and pour boiling hot water over the leaves, let it steep for 5 minutes – then drink! Some people like to add other herbs (more or this later) or a little honey. You can drink it hot, or let it cool in the fridge and drink it throughout the day.

Just some of the Benefits of Nettle Tea

Nettles have been documented to be used for centuries as a medicinal herb. They are said to be good for kidneys, improve heart action, help with hay fever and is a powerful blood cleanser that flushes out toxins.

Nettles are rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C  vitamin B complex, vitamin E, amino acids and beta-carotene to mention a few. It supports the immune system, the nervous system, bone stability, and is great for hair and skin health.

Do you want more energy, build up your immunity, have a clearer mind and look and feel good all around? Nettle tea is a great and easy way to do this!

Nettles have great all-round health benefits and potentially all around you!

As summer goes on, and the nettles either begin to flower – or the female plants begin to seed – the health benefits are not over yet!

The leaves are no longer good once they start to seed, but boy oh boy… the seeds are worth collecting. When you see the nettles begin to seed, the seeds will be green and drooping down heavily with their weight.  Pick the seeds when they are still green and as a wise man once told me – fresh is always best – then dried, then tinctured. Although some with a more delicate stomach may prefer them dried.

Nettle seeds to all of the above (same as the leaves) but think of the seeds – packing a punch!  More effective and stronger. The seeds are often referred to as a superfood. They are particularly good for helping to heal kidneys.

It is sometimes claimed that taking fresh nettle seed s can be an overstimulate and can cause sleeplessness – to avoid this, dried seeds are more gentle on the system.

Nettle seed foraging

Nettle seed foraging


Nettle seeds taken regularly can give a boost to your internal health, your skin and your hair.

When picking, cut off the most abundant part of the stem, hang upside down, or put into a paper bag for a week, shake off the seeds, store in a dry clean jar and they will keep for up to a year.  A spoonful a day is recommended.

As always, when taking a new herb and if you are currently on medication, check in with your health practitioner to be on the safe side. When giving to children, do so on a smaller and less frequent basis.



Cooking with Nettles

Finally, cooking with nettles. I love adding nettles to stir-fries and particularly love the in curries!

When picking for eating, new fresh nettles are best – chop off the top, wash them and add them to your curry just after the onions – nutritious, yummy and free!!

Nettles for you – where ever you are! 

If you are lucky enough to live somewhere they grow wild and free, get picking

If you live somewhere that they don’t grow around you – I have dried nettles ready to send to you.

Message me at 

Here to help

Have a beautiful day
